Here you can see what I'm currently working on, which bugs are already known and what feature ideas are tested. Ordered by priority:
β = Implemented
WIP = Work in progress
EXP = Experimental > Will only be implemented when successful
P = Planned
MouseBeam 1.23:
WIP[BugFix]: When doing a fullscreen presentation a click in spotlight mode should not drag you out of the app
Condense 1.65:
β[BugFix]: Finnish and Polish languages do no longer automatically replace 'ii' with 'ΓΌ'
β[BugFix]: The voice synthesiser can change voices without restarting Condense
P[BugFix]: Fix cut off "Medium Contrast" Label
WIP[Feature]: 10.7 Compatibility
EXP[Feature]: Experimental image algorithm to remove underlines and some UIElements.
P[Feature]: Turn "Drag to mark scan-area. Click to cancel." - Popup invisible when the cursor hovers over it
P[BugFix]: Timer can become very inaccurate when used on a VM. Increase accuracy when not in foreground.
P[Feature]: Chose Font
P[Feature]: Pop to front when done
Secret iOS Project
P[Bugfix]: Click on "Onetime Cleanup" does not increase the statistics by $timerAmount
P[Bugfix]: Yosemite: Fix transparency in Popover
P[Feature]: New Icon